REVISED RULEBOOK UPLOADED Sunday October 27 (version 4.5)
Q: Where are the number of shield dice listed on the ship card?
A: The number of shield dice a ship has is listed in each colored ship shield arc on the left side of the ship card. Dice are represented by two numbers separated by a slash (e.g., 3/2, 2/1, etc.)
Q: What happens if a drifting ship drifts off the edge of the map or impacts a medium or large asteroid?
A: In both cases it is considered destroyed (unless specific scenario rules say otherwise).
Q: If my ship reaches Engine 0, but I did not move in the last Movement Phase, what direction does it drift?
A: As it did not move, there is no drift direction, it stays in place until acted upon (attack, tractor beam, asteroid impact, etc.)
Q: Can a ship that is not at Engine 0 choose to drift or be tractor beamed?
A: A ship may voluntarily shut it engines down temporarily to drift or be tractor beamed and towed. This decision must be made at the beginning of the turn and cannot be altered until the beginning of the next turn. A ship that shuts its engines down cannot perform any movement actions, has no Reserve Power Points, and its shields are at reduced power level until engines are powered up.
Rules updates/clarifications that will be published in Rulebook v5.6:
9.4 Tractor Beams
Grabbed and Dragged: The object can be pulled along with the ship as it moves. When dragging a larger size ship, use the larger ship’s turn rating for turns.