Fat Dragon Games and DriveThruRPG are excited to announce that Dragonbite Community Creator, a licensing partnership that will allow third-party publishers and individual gamers to modify Dragonlock model designs and publish their modified models at DriveThruRPG, is now officially live. Dragonbite Community Creator joins the DriveThruRPG family of Community Content programs which includes Margaret Weis, Monte Cook Games, and Wizards of the Coast’s DMs Guild.
Publishers can sell Dragonlock-compatible models at any price they wish, or offer them for free. All Dragonbite Community Creator products are subject to the standard DTRPG commission, and a portion of the selling price will be paid as a royalty to Fat Dragon Games. Full details can be found here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/cc/12/dragonbite
“This is truly exciting for us” commented Tom Tullis, owner of Fat Dragon Games. “This new program allows gamers and third-party publishers to unleash their creativity and expand the Dragonlock terrain line in ways we haven’t dreamed of. With free design software like Blender, anyone can now become a terrain designer and join the Dragonlock family of publishers.”
Meredith Gerber of DriveThruRPG stated, “We are thrilled that Fat Dragon Games is launching Dragonbite Community Creator exclusively with DriveThruRPG. While we have such an amazing group of programs thus far, Dragonbite Community Creator will be our first 3D Printing Community Content Program that will give a new experience to all skill levels. We cannot wait to see the amazing creations that are designed through this program.”
About Fat Dragon Games: Fat Dragon Games (FDG) is an award-winning publisher of print-and-play gaming terrain, and has been in business since 2005.